Sunday, December 31, 2006

Summing Up

 – I turned 18. Now I can officially drink, drive and go to night clubs.
 – I moved out from Relletti to a nice apartment in the city center.
 – I got experience working in an IT-company. That's my specialty.
 – I got a driver's license — goodbye, bicycle! Now I'm mainly on four wheels.
 – I finished the Finnish language course. I didn't do it last year.
 – I met lots of people worth knowing. It's not that lonely here anymore.
 – I learned to live alone in Finland without parents. I learned to cook.

The year was quite positive to all appearances. Happy new year, everyone!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Today's guest.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Presents

Bottle of Hennessy Very Special
New PMMP album
All Family Guy episodes

Two books by Gene Brewer
Adidas bathrobe
Painting by Heli Pukki to put on the wall
Big box of Karl Fazer chocolate sweets




Thursday, December 21, 2006


Finally exams are over. I hope I'll find something to do during the free time I have now. I should finish the assignments, finish translating work experience reports, start to work out regularly. Maybe I should think for awhile and make some kind of task list but I can't figure out anything else.

I lost my passion towards coding. Yeah, coding is really fun, at least for geeks. I'm too bored to finish what I've started and have nothing new to start. I've lost the excitement about working out though maybe I just have to start and endomorphines would do their job but it's really hard to overcome the laziness I have and make the first step. I need something really convincing to make it for.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Finally Software Design Project is over. But now I'm part of another one, at least for awhile. I have to make the assignments in order to pass the course I've been writing about recently. I checked the assignments... Omg! "What kind of learner am I?", "Journey into Self-awareness" etc. Definitely I'm not a fan of self-analysis. It wouldn't be easy but I have to pass it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I can't believe it's over

Well, almost. We just have to hold the presentation and that's it. I can't say we did a great job. We almost screwed up! But still finally we managed. We could have started making a presentation month ago but what we've been doing is numerous changes pretty much to every document as they are quite dependent on each other. We had one day to finish the slides and to join them. We didn't have time to train at all. We didn't even have time to finish. I still don't have the conclusion. Seems like participants don't care that much about what we've done. Their main concern is just to pass the course. Well, I hope we'll do it tomorrow.


Drivel was a nice blogging tool as every time I felt like posting something I didn't have to open my browser and go to the Blogger page. I could post in a couple of clicks what was quite convenient. But since I switch to Blogger Beta I can't use it anymore. I just can't log in to Atom interface using neither GMail account nor Blogger account I had before switching. Does everyone has the same problem? I was googling a lot but didn't find any solution. I hope one day it'll work again.

Sadness like water raining down

If I wouldn't have calendar everywhere one could imagine and somebody would say that it's twelve days until Christmas I would never believe. According to weather it's nothing later but late September. But it's winter! We're supposed to be freezing, loosing balance on every second meter of icy roads, digging cars out of snow and being not that depressed of gray sky because snow can make it a little bit better just by being white, not gray. But it's +4 and raining and raining and raining. Grass is still quite green pretty much everywhere but it doesn't make the picture outside very colourful. It's so depressing here.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Blah Blah Blah

Seems like I'm not a born blogger. At least not in English for sure. Usually I don't have problems to express my thoughts but when it comes to blogging I just suddenly don't have any.

Unfortunately I don't have a built in bullshit generator connected directly to hands omitting brain. That would be useful, especially in some of school's projects when the volume of report is defined and nobody gives a fuck that I just don't have anything to write about.

Though, some teachers being infected by "learning diary disease" still remain reasonable. We were supposed to write a diary for High Level Language course taught by Teppo. I skipped most of classes and those I attended weren't that useful. The reason is that I have programming skills and I'm quite familiar with C.

It took me three lines to explain the situation in learning diary and it was accepted by Teppo. But Learning Skills and Professional Growth course still remains failed. Just because Martta didn't accept my learning diary I've been writing for Introductory Project. That project didn't teach me anything but writing about this wouldn't work for sure and my honesty would remain unappreciated.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I found some old pics and uploaded to flickr

From Malta

National Feast Paradise Bay Blue Grotto Great Harbour Mdina Mdina Dungeons Shore Aquacentre Beach Club

From camping times

Fireplace Inside The Ship Old Ships View After Climbing

From Saint Petersburg

Saint PetersburgSaint Petersburg

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Yesterday in Hullu Pohjola

Second night in a row.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Aniko's Birthday

I was the only one to know how to use this corkscrew.


Friday, November 24, 2006


While teacher was solving something with one Chinese and Finn I was walking around the lab checking ancient electronic stuff they have there.

Solving Laboratory
Apple IIe Floppy Drive
Ancient Laptop
Ancient Laptop

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Adobe Reader

 (208x176, 12Kb)

I've been wondering recently what's the point to have preinstalled Adobe Reader in Nokia N70 smartphone? I tried to read pdf-book and immediately got tired of going left and right six times per line. I guess it's one of those useless features that makes a business device.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Firefox 2.0

I switched to Firefox 2.0 recently. Seems like without any bad consequences. Of course, all the plug-ins didn't work but the most essential ones (Tab Mix, Adblock) worked just fine. Finally some new features were introduced that I felt lack of in previous versions, especially the possibility to edit the search engines. Spell checking is quite handy also.

But still it's quite annoying that hot keys don't work in non-Latin layouts. If I need to copy a bunch of text while typing in Russian I have to press Ctrl+Shift to switch the layout, then Ctrl+С to copy, Ctrl+V to paste and finally Ctrl+Shift to continue typing. Maybe I should teach myself to use Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins as it seems like this bug is never gonna be fixed.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hanger from Tiimari

17,56 КБ

Sunday, November 05, 2006


It was a nice walk to the cemetery. Modern gravestones look exactly the same, nothing individual, but those old metal crosses from the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th centruy look very impressive. It was creepy to walk near fresh graves, flowers on which were not even covered with snow, but in general it was quite calming.

Memory Stone

Old Crosses  Old Cross

Old Crosses

Old Cross  Old Cross

Old Crosses

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Today we came from Ylläs. Mulled wine, fireplace, sauna, hiking in the forest, sausages on fire, cheeky birds, reindeers near the road… Pictures are clickable.

Under The Stairs

Making Fire


Snowing Hard






Digging The Car Out

Covered With snow