Friday, June 27, 2008

New Design

Isn't it cute? I hardly ever smile in photos but when I do it might actually turn out to be something nice like this one. Now I can enjoy this wonderful photo every time I open my website. :) You can enjoy as well if you want. :)

Proud As A Peacock

I'm proud as a peacock. Software integration took just one day. Probably because the code I've written is just flawless. :) The architecture I've developed for our product has been accepted by everyone and seems to be working just fine. So I have the server, I have the clients and I have the user interface. The skeleton is built and functioning. Few features left and it's done.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Show Jumping

Meri-Lapin Ratsastajat.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bachelor Thesis

Seems like I'm getting more and more clear idea what I'm going to write about and what I want to write about: "Distributed Systems in Industrial Process Monitoring and Control Applications". Sounds very interesting, doesn't it? It interests me at least and this is what I'm developing at the moment so it could save me some work if I could use documentation I'm writing about the project I'm working on in my thesis. The main obstacle is the non-disclosure agreement I have signed with my employer so I have to discuss about how what can be disclosed as a part of my thesis and what cannot.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Dances

One of the many advantages of being alone in the office is the possibility to perform happy dances after implementing another cool feature which is working exactly the way you expect it to work. ^_^ And happy dances are especially easy to perform wearing my new supercool Bluetooth stereo-headset and listening to music without being attached to computer.

Jabra bt3030

Friday, June 06, 2008

wage *= 1.5;

For non-geeks: now it's 1.5 times higher.

I know I deserve even more. But you can't always get what you want. At least not at once. But my time will come. I'm 100% sure of that.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Body Center Golden V.I.P.


The card is for one year. Now I have motivation to go there regularly. =)