Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hail Tuna & Pidgin

Yes, tuna! My tuna posts made Ruxi buy tuna which she hates and eat it. Tuna helps me to influence people.

Btw, do you know a way to put track title from Audacious to Pidgin status message? I do! Quick and dirty but works for me.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import time
import commands

def update():
   status = commands.getoutput('audtool playback-status')
   if status == 'playing':
      artist = commands.getoutput('audtool current-song-tuple-data performer')
      title = commands.getoutput('audtool current-song-tuple-data track_name')
      os.system('purple-remote "setstatus?status=available&message=' \
      + artist + ' - ' + title + '"')
      os.system('purple-remote "setstatus?status=available&message="')

while True:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and what's the point of linking to the other site if giving a comment links right back to this one! a waste of clicks if you ask me... and switch to wordpress :D