Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Layout

Here it is! Welcome the new layout! I've rewritten the style sheet from scratch taking a different approach this time and improved the layout fixing some minor bugs and making some stuff simpler. I got tired of Family Guy and switched to South Park. And I like blue color much more than red. PHP source code and template engine are next to be improved and enhanced.


Andrei Neculau said...

Hmm, don't know what to say. The previous one was very ok as well. This one too.

But what looks really nifty is the ballon on the header:) It really screams something clear, so.. DA,DA,DA :)

PS: I hope you'll not put me to work on PHP&others next week =))))))

Dmitry said...

Don't worry, I'm good in PHP myself.

Andrei Neculau said...

This was more of a Scandinavian answer than a Russian one :)

It was a joke, man

Dmitry said...

Probably I've been living here too long. :)

Anonymous said...

could be :)

anyway.. after this flight today.. i think it is going to be vice-versa. i will put you to get a future ubuntu installation tweaked with all that you know best on my pavilion :) or even a hackintosh

reason: battery goes really fast. i don't know if it's vista or just the pavilion's battery.

Dmitry said...

Fie, Ubuntu! I was working this summer on a computer running Kubuntu and I didn't like this Debian offspring at all. Maybe it's the matter of getting used to cause I've been using Red Hat based distributions for something like 7 years already and my computer is running Fedora nowadays.

Andrei Neculau said...

:)) "fie, ubuntu!".. i don't know what that means, but in Romanian it is like "Ubuntu it is then!"

I had fedora on the previous laptop, and it just didn't feel as a whole package, and I'm not in the position to learn how to deal with stuff/issues. Tried Suse but didn't like it for various reasons.

For the moment I'd like a real out-of-the-box experience to do the basics, and I can learn stuff along the way. And I haven't tried Ubuntu , but I've heard Rux talking about it.. so I thought that you were the one giving ideas :)