Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day

I should move away from here. I should. I am sick and tired of this. The country itself is forcing me to eat out. Shops are closed once again and I didn't get prepared at all. It's humiliation of human right to get food! It's a conspiracy between the government and public catering! And most likely they share the profit! It's not enough for them to close the shops at six or nine. It's not enough to force them to stay closed on Sundays. The shops are closed today after four just because it's some religious holiday. I'm atheist and I want to go shopping but I can't. It's not fair. I have no food and I an hungry. Seems like I'll have to go get some burger or pizza once again. I miss shops being open 24/7 where you can buy strong booze at 3 am being just 18. This will never happen in Finland. Stupid Finnish laws.

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