Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm finally working at Mionex and I've been pretty busy for the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately I cannot tell anyone what am I doing there because I have signed non-disclosure agreement and I cannot disclose any information for the next four years. And no matter how drunk you'll make me I won't tell. Otherwise I would have to kill you and I don't wanna do that. :)

The only thing I can say is that it's something to do with machine vision and I like it a lot. It's nice to be finally part of a team, a balanced team as it seems to be. Not like at school when we have projects and I'm the one who's doing the majority of the tasks. And not like it used to be at the company I worked for before when they didn't trust me enough to delegate anything except software testing. Here everybody is developing own part of the product and I'm making a great contribution as well.

The only thing that bothers me is the wage I'm getting. It's less than I expected and asked for but it's better than nothing anyways. And there's a hope that it's going to be higher as the contract we signed is just for one month which is kind of evaluation period. And my boss expressed his interest in me working for him after graduation after he asked what are my plans for the future. So I guess he does want me to work for him.

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