Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Want

I want to blog about something significant but my head is thoughtless and empty. I want my heart to burst with feelings but it's just beating in a regular rhythm. I want my belly to disappear but I can't quit eating. I want to cycle more but I can't quit driving a car. I want to draw but I just can't. I want so much but I can't so much. My life is sad.


Anonymous said...

make your face easy! and your life! you don't have a sad life. stop being emo! i'll ruin your hairstyle! :D

Andrei Neculau said...

=))))))))))))) on your interface you don't see the comments, and once i clicked to comment, i saw ruxi's line.... "stop being emo!" =)))))))

i had a nice comment, not a funny one - drawing is really easy: stop judging the outcome and be aware that the paper or drawing board is your freedom, not your work-ground
/// this is not phylosophical, rux - it's just how i started to draw :D

Andrei Neculau said...

That was me before -- can I just add 2 things?

1. Thanks for the blogroll, Dmitry - I don't have one for the moment, so.. :)

2. I don't like the Blogger interface -- understatement!!

Dmitry said...

Ruxi, I'll wear a hat next time so that you won't be able to reach my hair.
Andrie, freedom doesn't give the ability. And I'm too lazy to install WordPress and integrate it with the rest of the website so I just used RSS parser and a Blogger blog.